Determining which college courses you are going to take will depend a great deal on the degree you are working towards earning and on the major and minor you have chosen. 1. Before you begin choosing your courses check with your college advisor about the number of credits that are required to earn a degree. You also need to find out the amount of credits you will earn with a full year and a half year course. 2. Take out your college course catalog and turn to the section that lists and details the courses needed for your degree. Read through all of the information in this section so that you can best determine which courses will be right for your situation. You will also have to decide which courses will go towards your major, your minor and which will be elective classes. 3. Decide which courses you want to take for your major. It's probably best to schedule an appointment with your college advisor to get some guidance on these required classes. When yo
College lifestyle blog on dorm experiences, bedding ideas, and the ins and outs of campus life.