The hurdles of paying for the rising costs of a post secondary education, make going a to college or university difficult for many people. If you have your sights set on going, there are a lot of ways that you can reduce most of your costs. 1. Take as many AP classes as you can in high school. Study and work hard on all of your classwork so that you can achieve high scores. Many colleges and universities will offer financial assistance to high school applicants with impressive AP class scores. 2. Visit your high school guidance office and search online for the grants and scholarships that are available by the federal and state government. There are also financial aid programs offered by colleges, employers and private organizations. These programs typically provide help according to financial need, academic achievement and background situations. 3. Consider enlisting with the military. Each branch of the service has scholarship programs that help to meet your financial ...
College lifestyle blog on dorm experiences, bedding ideas, and the ins and outs of campus life.