Whether you’re just starting out or have a couple of years under your belt, college is by far the greatest opportunity an individual can have to travel internationally and study abroad. College students today have greater resources for travel than ever before and it is vital to become aware of what programs your university may offer in order to take full advantage of what the future may hold. Students can learn the ancient language of Scottish Gaelic while strolling through the palace gardens of Edinburgh Castle, spend a semester immersing themselves in the beautiful city and culture of Heidelberg, Germany, or even go hiking through the tropical rain forests of Costa Rica. It’s all up to you! The charming city of Heidelberg, Germany, home to Germany's oldest and among its most respected universities, Heidelberg University. The first step to take when considering studying abroad is to research various colleges and their programs, as each university differs in terms of
College lifestyle blog on dorm experiences, bedding ideas, and the ins and outs of campus life.