Becoming well oriented on your new college campus can be
difficult. You can make the undertaking much easier by keeping in mind these
effective tips.
1. Everyone is New. Freshmen students are all new to the
campus, that's why they're called Freshmen. Don't worry about needing to get
directions to find your classes, or starting off with a select number of
acquaintances. Over time you will become more comfortable with the campus
layout and the people around you. Before you know it, you will be able to get to
your classes in a short amount of time and you will have a strong network of
good friends.
2. Get Organized ASAP. As soon as you can, register for your
email and your identification card. Take a tour of the campus so that you can
get your bearings. If possible, locate all of the rooms where your classes will
be held as well as the library, health center and administrative offices.
3. Get Involved. Don't spend your days wrapped up in your
residence hall bedding. Introduce yourself to lots of people and get to all of
the campus events. Most colleges and universities have a campus event office
where you can find out about all of the upcoming activities. There are usually
enough events and clubs to match the dispositions of any student. This will
give you an opportunity to meet more people, develop social networks, and get
comfortable with the campus layout.
4. Get Help. When you find yourself in a situation where you
are uncomfortable, get help. Speak to your roommate, your dorm supervisor, your
faculty adviser or your professors. You can solve any problem so long as you
use all of your resources.
5. Get Working. The best way of staying positive is getting
positive results. Get to class, read the notes, study the content and complete
the assignments. In no time at all, you will be earning grades you want and you
will feel much better about your new situation.Oriented
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